We use Cookies to collect some of the information set out in this Policy. A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in your web browser on your computer, mobile or other handheld device, while you are browsing a website.

Our Site uses cookies to identify you. Cookies can store your account identifier, ordering status, personalisation or website tracking. They can also be used for technical purposes such as keeping track of your current shopping session and enabling you to proceed to checkout and pay for your according order or to save information which has already been entered (languages choices, and your region), so that we can offer improved and more personalised services, products and other relevant communication tailored to you. Cookies also allow us to fulfil our contractual obligations to third parties and partners if you have made a purchase on our website by following a link from theirs.

Our Site includes marketing cookies and remarketing pixel provided by third parties. That allows these parties to collect the information that you have visited our Site and were interested in certain offers. We also use beacons, tags, click tracking codes and scripts to analyse trends and movements of users around the Site, gather information about user base as a whole and how we can improve our service and Site, to provide advertising based upon activities and interests and to measure advertising effectiveness. As a result we may display targeted, or interest-based, offers to you based on the products you currently own or have recently viewed and deliver other communication more relevant to you and your interests outside of our Site, on other websites part of the third party’s network.

You can manage your preferences regarding Cookies either by modifying your browser settings or using the designated pop-up tool on our website. In the ‘Cookie Settings’ pop-up on our Site you will find a list of all cookies within each category (required, statistics, marketing), or a list of vendors serving cookies and similar technologies and will be able to choose which types of cookies you would like our Site to use, if any.

You can also modify your Cookie preferences straight from your browser. Please note that if you simply disable all of our cookies or cookies in general in your browser settings, you may find that certain sections or features of our Site will not work, because your browser may prevent us from setting Site functionally required cookies.